CO2GeoNet Open Forum, 20-21 September 2022, San Servolo Island, Venice

Accelerating CCS

Transitioning from millions to billions of tonnes of stored CO2

Monday, 19 September from 18:30
Welcome cocktail
Tuesday, 20 September
Keynote talk
Bankable storage capacity
Developing hubs and clusters in Europe
New and ongoing CCS projects
Wednesday, 21 September
How can utilisation accelerate CO2 storage?
Delivering clean energy with hydrogen and CCS
Upscaling CO2 storage


19 September 2022, San Servolo Island, Venice

Pre-Open Forum workshop

organised by ECCSEL ERIC

afternoon, from 15:30
Industrial workshop on the envisaged service model of
ECCSEL ERIC and industrial alignment on the research priorities


22 September 2022, San Servolo Island, Venice

Post-Open Forum workshops

morning Networking event organised by CO2GeoNet and Hystories
afternoon tbd
Online registrations are closed for organisational reasons
Please send an email to if you wish to register
practical info

Rationale and Key Messages

CO2 Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) has an essential role to play in meeting our climate targets. The Paris Agreement represents an important step towards keeping global temperature rise well below 2°C.

Following on from this, the IPCC 1.5 special report highlighted different emission pathways to limit warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels at the end of the century, all of which require net zero CO2 emissions by around 2050. CO2 storage is a necessary part of the solution.

The 15th Open Forum will focus on the progress made and how we can accelerate CO2 storage to help meet climate targets.

The event will share experience from projects where CO2 is being stored, highlight new projects coming onstream and look at how CO2 storage can be accelerated and upscaled to realise its role in meeting our ambitious climate goals.

New developments around CCUS and opportunities for the CO2 Storage community to engage and to support the business case for CO2 Capture and Storage will be presented and discussed.



Overall schedule

Pre-Open Forum workshop organised by ECCSEL-ERIC


ECCSEL ERIC industrial workshop on the envisaged service model of ECCSEL ERIC and industrial alignment on the research priorities

15:30 - 18:30

The workshop will give an overview of the ECCSELERATE industrial workshops and a specific focus on the research needs for Capture and Utilisation.

An active, interactive discussion will be fostered on the current research needs on the following topics:

- ECCSEL ERIC (envisaged) service model for the industry, industrial feedback
- Research priorities, knowledge gaps, and research infrastructure
- Extension  of services and  research topics

19 Sep 2022

CO2GeoNet Open Forum - Day 1


Session 1: Bankable storage capacity

The first session considers how to move from storage potential to CO2 safely stored deep underground. How can we enable positive financial investment decisions on CCS projects?

Session 2: Developing hubs and clusters in Europe
The following session will consider where CCUS hubs and clusters are developing in Europe. The joint aim of these sessions is to consider how CCUS can grow from individual projects storing CO2 to a working European CCUS network.

Session 3: New and ongoing CCS projects

The last session of the day shares knowledge from existing projects where CCUS is moving forwards. Research to refine aspects of CO2 storage is underway, national strategies for CCUS are accelerating, industrial CO2 is being stored.

20 Sep 2022

CO2GeoNet Open Forum - Day 2


Session 4: Can utilisation accelerate CO2 storage?
An extended session discusses how utilisation can accelerate CO2 storage, where this might take place in Europe, and if enhanced oil recovery has a role to play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The possibility to use CO2 for geothermal energy recovery will be presented.

Session 5: Delivering clean energy with hydrogen and CCS

This session considers the synergies between hydrogen and geological storage of CO2, and the results of the Hystories project which is investigating the feasibility of storing hydrogen in saline aquifers and depleted hydrocarbon fields

Session 6: Upscaling CO2 storage

The final session of the Open Forum considers how we can overcome remaining bottlenecks to accelerate CO2 storage and realise its potential as a key climate technology. This session considers market push and pull that can help drive CCUS projects forward, how we can seek public buy-in and engagement with projects, and strategies and projects in Europe that are building the foundation for a sustainable future.

21 Sep 2022

Post-Open Forum Networking event organised by CO2GeoNet and Hystories


9:00 - 12:30

This networking event aims to share lessons learned from European projects funded through Horizon Europe, ACT and other European initiatives. The focus of the event is on refining use of the subsurface for a sustainable future. Projects on CO2 storage, energy storage and hydrogen storage are invited to talk about project learnings and outcomes and future actions needed to enable use of the subsurface.

22 Sep 2022

Post-Open Forum workshop organised by ....


to be defined

13:30 - 17:00


14 May 2020

Practical info

Accommodation form

REGISTRATION FEE: 300 €/participant (250 € for CO2GeoNet members) for the Open Forum on 20-21 September, including the welcome cocktail on September 19 and the gala dinner on September 20 evening (1 admission). 

Attendance of the workshop on Sept 19 and workshops on Sept 22 is free-of-charge, but please register.

The fee can be either paid online by credit card (through PayPal) or settled in cash upon arrival at the registration desk. Please note that there is no cash dispenser (ATM) on San Servolo Island, but there are many in Venice. A signed receipt will be provided on-site and an invoice will follow later by mail.


WHERE TO STAY: Convenient and comfortable rooms are available on the Island. CO2GeoNet has pre-reserved a number of rooms for Open Forum participants: they will be guaranteed to the participants until 20 of June, after which they will be opened for reservation by the general public.

To book your room please download the Accommodation form (here above) and send it to San Servolo, but don't delay: the number of rooms is limited and accommodation will be on a first-come first-served basis. When no more single rooms are available, twin rooms will be reserved for individuals at the given rates.


INTERNET: There is a free wireless Internet access (Wi-Fi) for all participants.


POSTER SESSION : All participants have the opportunity to display their posters on recent CO2-storage-related research or case studies. We can host some 40 posters of max. format 85 cm wide x 130 cm high. If you wish to display a poster, please register it with the CO2GeoNet Secretariat so that we can reserve your space, on a first-come-first-served basis. Please provide your name, organization, authors, title and dimensions of the poster. Note that we cannot offer printing facilities on-site in Venice; participants are responsible for bringing their own pre-printed posters.


Other practical information (how to reach San Servolo, meals, etc.) are in the file Logistics that can be downloaded from here above.